Sunday, February 3, 2013

Paisley Earrings

That one paisley I made for my Crazy Pumpkin --
-- wasn't enough, so I made two more for a pair of earrings to match this necklace (the one by Aasia Hamid):
The pattern is from the June 2011 Bead & Button, designed by Julie Glasser.

While rooting through my sewing room, I found another pattern for paisley earrings, using almost the exact same stitch.  This one was by Jane Lock, from the August/September Beadwork.  Why stop at one pair of paisley earrings when I could have two?
I think it is fascinating that the same concept and stitch results in two very different looks.


  1. What pretty paisley's! I've always had a soft spot for all things paisley, these are no exception. These are gorgeous!
