Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Trick or Treat Blog Hop 2023

 Welcome, and happy Halloween! I haven't been able to do as much blogging this year, but I always enjoy participating in Jo's blog hops. 

I did get a little stitching done. Rosewood Manor's Blackbirds on a Pumpkin, which I started a couple of years ago, finished up quickly (I only had two colors left to do):

I stitched two designs from XStitch the Rainbow's Autumn Garden collaboration, Ardith Design's Autumn Floral Urn:

and Bendy Stitchy Designs' Autumn Colors (my favorite):

But the stitching I'm most excited about is the first two of Wild Violet's Primitive Tarot trio:

 I think I might push myself to stitch the third before I get started on any Christmas ornaments. I guess I did more stitching than I realized!

In any event, you are all here for a letter:

(It's an I, and part of my ongoing alphabet series; in my head, the letter I is white.)

You're also here for the link to the next blog, which is Jeremiah's Mom. Happy hopping!


  1. The stitchings with variated ? threads are great but the tarot cards are amazing. Love those funny patterns. Thank you for the letter. Amicalement. xxxx

  2. Your stitching using the varigated thread is wonderful, and the skeletons so cute! Thanks for the letter, and Happy Halloween!

  3. The Blackbirds look great, and I really love the Autumn Colors. The Tarots are so appropriate! I love the letter I, so pretty.
    Witching you a Happy Halloween!

  4. Lovely Halloween stitching, thank you for your letter 🎃

  5. Colorful stitching! I enjoy Jo's blog hops too, participating and hopping around to collect letters😊

  6. So many beautiful pieces here. Love the tarot duo so far. Thanks for the letter. Off to continue my hunt.

  7. Autumn color stitching is very nice.
    And I love tarot stitches.
