Sunday, April 23, 2023

Earrings, Earrings, Earrings!

 I'm on a roll with the jewelry-making.

Sari spiral earrings, inspired by a PBS show that talked about the cultural significances of spirals:

 I took two lengths of recycled sari cord and coiled them, using small tacking stitches to hold them in place. I added a sprinkle of beads for a hint of sparkle.

Frida earrings: 

 Love them, and I want to make more.

Shiva earrings (I got the pattern from an old beading magazine): 

Each earring is composed of three identical sections, each one a rivoli crystal surrounded by peyote and herringbone stitching:

 Doesn't it look like a dragon's eye?

Flower and birdie earrings:

 I actually made these in the winter, but it's only now I feel like wearing them.


  1. Your earrings colorful and nice. Frida’s earrings
    look like a cute dress.

  2. What fabulous earrings, especially the Frida design, they are perfect for her!
