Sunday, April 10, 2022

Desert Succulents

 Wasting time on the internet last month I found, in rapid succession, Allegory Gallery's Desert Succulent design challenge kit (sold out) and The Beadshop's Fun Times necklace design. Many weeks later -- I needed more copper chain, there were shipping delays, I ran out of jump rings, I ran out of headpins, I burned the knuckles of my left hand, I burned my right fingers -- I have a necklace, a.k.a. a "neckmess":

It's three 12-inch chains with lots of beads and charms attached, and beaded sections to complete the necklace. The three strands laid out:

The little succulent charms deserved to stand out from the rest, so they became earrings. And I loved the look of the beaded strands on each side, made from an assortment of beads roughly the same size, so I made a bracelet, too:

And look! I still have lots of beads left to play with.

Now I need to get back to stitching.

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous necklace, sorry it caused you so much trouble! The whole set looks worth it though.
