Thursday, May 13, 2021

A Riot of Azaleas

 I moved to this neighborhood in springtime a few years ago, and immediately noticed all the gorgeous azaleas my neighbors had -- pale pink, scarlet, fuchsia, mauve, ivory, magenta. I don't have the time or skill to grow my own, but I can make beaded versions:

For the flowers I modified the tiny tulip pattern from The Beaded Garden; the leaves are from the same book. I had initially planned to cover the entire background with leaves, but that was overly ambitious (plus I ran out of beads) so I added a little glamour and sparkle with sequins. 

It's not quite the same as real azaleas, but it'll last much longer.

1 comment:

  1. That is just gorgeous! It will last longer and won't get infested with bugs either!
