Sunday, December 20, 2020

Advent Blog Hop

 Welcome to my stop on Jo's annual Advent blog hop! As usual, I have a few ornaments to show off (I prefer to stitch small projects; I'm more likely to finish them in time 😛).

"Tres" by Monsterbubbles (Just Cross Stitch August 2008):

This has been on my to-do list for a long time, but stitching on metal mesh/screen is a pain; the beaded edge was fun, though.

Here's "Meowy Christmas" by Fern Ridge Collections (Christmas Ornaments 2019):

It's true to life, too! There's a reason why I keep my fragile ornaments on the top of the tree ....

(I also stitched "Mary & Jesus Stained Glass" by Snoflake Stitchery (Christmas Ornaments 2019), but  I forgot to take a picture before I sent it to my mom.)

Jo also asked us to write about our favorite Christmas book. Mine's a new one, that I discovered last year:

I loved it so much I bought my own copy this year. This collection of stories, memories, and recipes is moving and insightful, and I highly recommend it.

I hope you all have a lovely and peaceful Christmas, and a much-improved new year!


  1. Lovely ornaments. That mesh looks very interesting to stitch on, perfect for that quirky tree too.
    I like the look of the Christmas book too, having something to read each day is a really good idea.

  2. Nice ornaments! The mesh is unusual, I guess a little tough on the fingers maybe?
    Meowy Christmas is very cute!
    The book looks interesting, I’m adding it to my list, thank you!
    Merry Christmas!
    Barbara x

  3. Your ornaments are both lovely. I've added your book to my 'must read' list. Merry Christmas!

  4. Many cats on this Advent Calendar this year, lovely stitchings. Joyeuses fêtes de Noël ! xxx

  5. Pretty stitching and your book looks interesting. I will check it out.

  6. Both of your ornaments are great ... but "Tres" is really eye-catching!! I really enjoy books/stories that include recipes and menus ... I'm headed off to amazon right now to check Christmas Days out for myself! Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas! :)

  7. They are both lovely ornaments, but I must say I love the kitty best! Books like that are so nice to read through, I hope you found a recipe or two you just had to try?

  8. I can't imagine stitching on wire mesh - ouch (but the results are fabulous!). Now I'm going to see if our library would, by chance, have a copy of that book. Merry Christmas!

  9. I like that tree ornament, it is really unusual
