Wednesday, December 23, 2020

A House of Ghosts by W.C. Ryan

 This is a perfect read for the long, cold, winter nights. Kate and Donovan are two government agents in 1917 sent to a lord's manor on a remote island in the hopes of discovering who's been selling secrets to the German army; complicating matters are the actual, literal ghosts Kate sees all around her, some of whom are dead soldiers angry at the lord's arms-dealing. 

In other words, it's an Agatha Christie-type story but with a supernatural bent and a willingness to address the legacies of a pointless war.  It's spooky and serious without being grim or depressing, and does a good job of illustrating the messy complexities of everything from relationships to the military-industrial complex to grief. Add a romantic subplot, and you have a thoroughly satisfying read. I'd love to see more of Kate and Donovan's adventures.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Advent Blog Hop

 Welcome to my stop on Jo's annual Advent blog hop! As usual, I have a few ornaments to show off (I prefer to stitch small projects; I'm more likely to finish them in time 😛).

"Tres" by Monsterbubbles (Just Cross Stitch August 2008):

This has been on my to-do list for a long time, but stitching on metal mesh/screen is a pain; the beaded edge was fun, though.

Here's "Meowy Christmas" by Fern Ridge Collections (Christmas Ornaments 2019):

It's true to life, too! There's a reason why I keep my fragile ornaments on the top of the tree ....

(I also stitched "Mary & Jesus Stained Glass" by Snoflake Stitchery (Christmas Ornaments 2019), but  I forgot to take a picture before I sent it to my mom.)

Jo also asked us to write about our favorite Christmas book. Mine's a new one, that I discovered last year:

I loved it so much I bought my own copy this year. This collection of stories, memories, and recipes is moving and insightful, and I highly recommend it.

I hope you all have a lovely and peaceful Christmas, and a much-improved new year!

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Winter Wreath


This sweet wreath is Alicia Paulson's latest pattern. It was quick to stitch, and because it's not really Christmasy, I will keep it up all winter.