Monday, February 24, 2020

Take a Stitch Tuesday

Sharon at Pintangle has had a long-running SAL called Take a Stitch Tuesday, and I've joined it this year. Every week I embroider an inchie with that week's stitch; sometimes two, if I decide to also use the Beyond TAST suggestion for more experienced stitchers.

Weeks 1-7 (FYI, I am continually unhappy with the macro photos from my iPhone):
Chain, fly, and knotted fly
Buttonhole and reversed buttonhole bar
Stem and Portuguese stem
Feather, and feather and chain
Detached chain and barred chain
Herringbone and raised close herringbone

The inchies make this an ideal project -- just a little bit every week, which is about all I can manage.


  1. I like all these little inchies. The one that makes a leaf is really lovely.

  2. Beautiful stitches, great way to learn new things
