Monday, December 16, 2019

Advent Calendar Blog Hop Day 16

Welcome and happy holidays! As ever, I'm glad to participate in Jo's Advent Blog Hop. My stitchy work this year:

This is a sampler of my own design, similar to one I made for Halloween. It's also the last project in the #stitch9challenge on Instagram, and I'm hopeful it will be complete by the end of the year. So far I've stitched some tiny cookies (a Brooke's Books design, slightly modified), the iconic Charlie Brown Christmas tree, and a pretty gift (from a Stitchy Box sampler). The snowman is made of buttons, and I've also sewn on several charms and buttons.

I have a cross stitch ornament planned for my mother, from the most recent Christmas Ornaments issue, but I've barely started that one. I did fully finish off two ornaments I stitched last year:

but otherwise, that's it for cross stitching this Christmas. I did a whole lot of it earlier in the year for the Stitch 9 Challenge, so I'm a bit cross-stitched out (shh! don't tell anyone!).

Jo's question this year is about our favorite Christmas film. "Film" precludes my two favorite specials -- A Charlie Brown Christmas and How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the original cartoon, of course), but that doesn't make it much easier to decide. Other participants have mentioned Elf (so funny and sweet!) and A Muppet Christmas Carol (the best version, in my opinion), so I'll go with The Bishop's Wife. My mom introduced that movie to me, I introduced it to my husband, and now we both watch it on Christmas Eve. It's a lovely story, and funny, and if you haven't seen it yet do try to this year.

Have a peaceful and merry Christmas, and a stitch-filled New Year!


  1. I love your Christmas sampler, what a lovely idea to include the buttons and charms. So sweet! Your other stitching is lovely too! My favorite movie is also the Bishop's Wife (I wrote the wrong title on my blog...oops, but this is the movie I was thinking of). So glad to find another person who loves it as much as I do! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. Thank you for sharing I am always hesitant about using buttons and charms, you use them so well. I do hope The Bishops Wife is on this year on a day I am off and can watch it.

  3. Your Christmas Sampler is very sweet, and very creative. I love your ornaments. I've never seen The Bishoo's Wife, so that is now on my watch list. I hope you have a happy Christmas.

  4. Your sampler looks lovely so far, very original! The two ornaments you finished look great, I hope you're able to finish the one you want to make for your Mom.
    That movie is still on my to be watched list, hopefully this season.
    Happy Christmas!

  5. Great ornaments, I love the little snowman made with buttons so cute. Joyeuses fêtes de Noël ! xxx

  6. Thanks for taking part in the Advent Calendar Blog Hop this year.
    I love your sampler and hope you'll show the completed one for next year's Calendar!

  7. Lovely ornaments, and I love your sampler ..... such a great idea!
    I don’t know the film but I’ll be looking out for it!
    Wishing you and yours a Very Happy Christmas!
    Barbara xx

  8. "film" doesn't preclude either of those cartoons, it's just our word for "movie".

  9. Great sampler! Have a great time till and at Christmas. AriadnefromGreece!

  10. Nice finishes. Good for you for getting your stitch 9 challenge done!
