Thursday, January 31, 2019

Stitch 9 Challenge

Since I recently joined the 21st century by getting a smart phone, I decided to check out that instagram thing everyone's talking about. It's fun! And Farmgirlstitcher (I think she has an account on Flosstube) has created a challenge for the new year, to finish stitching nine projects, whether they are brand-new starts or long-standing works in progress. I'm hoping it will motivate me to finish a few lingering projects I have.

And I've actually finished the first one! It's a tiny design, made even tinier by me (to fit a 3-inch hoop), but still!

The design is a freebie from Plum Street Samplers, by Paulette Stewart. I stitched it on a scrap of 40-count fabric, using variegated threads in five colors rather than the two called for by the pattern (one can never have too much color).

Next up is the Sagittarius pattern by Satsuma Designs, which I've been dying to stitch.

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