Tuesday, August 28, 2018


There's nothing like a move to force you to confront the ridiculous amount of unfinished projects you've accumulated. Beadboy2's Minecraft quilt and a couple of projects I want to finish soon take priority, but I did find the time to finish two small, long-neglected embroideries.

This was a commercial kit I bought ages ago. I like the pattern quite a bit, but found the fabric to be too coarse for such delicate stitches; it gave the embroidery an angular look.

This was a Mollie Makes kit. The intention behind it was to lightly embroider over the heavy lines to mimic the casual look of modern coloring pages, but that struck me as kind of pointless -- stitching is already coloring with thread -- so I opted for chunky embroidery.

I've got a ton of little floral designs; I think someday I'll sew them all together into a wall-hanging.

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