Saturday, June 30, 2018

Join the Resistance!

After making a bunch of bracelets, I'm now on a cross-stitching kick. I made this little hoop for a dear friend:
There are a number of similar patterns out there, but I wanted something smaller (that's a four-inch hoop) and easier to stitch, so I designed my own. Which is now on sale in my etsy store, should you wish to defy the First Order and join the Resistance.

For myself I made a Resistance pop culture badge, and one for Night Vale for good measure:
All hail the Glow Cloud!
I'm also stitching the awesome Bless This House -- Mos Eisley Edition sampler:

Feels good to be crafting again!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Saying Goodbye to a Teacher

Who has done wonders for Beadboy1 the last three years.  I decided to do what I did before, and had him write a thank-you note which I transferred to fabric. (Sad to say his handwriting has not improved in five years, which is why he now types his class- and homework.)
Early morning on a cloudy day, so the color is off
She is a wonderful teacher and we will both miss her greatly. And she will miss him! Although he is an angry teacher at home, apparently in school he's the class clown.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Summer Bracelets

A very long stretchy bracelet made from teal seed beads, a few larger beads, and a tassel:

A bangle made from seed beads and Toho "demi round" beads:

Friday, June 8, 2018

Trying to Get My Crafting Mojo Back

So we moved, and we did as much possible ourselves to save money, and it was a long and drawn-out and terrible and I'M NEVER MOVING AGAIN.

Not everything has been unpacked/put away, and we are still figuring out new routines and schedules, but I'm aching to craft again. Specifically, I want to make jewelry (I always do, come summer). So I whipped up these two bracelets:
I couldn't resist the red beads when I stopped by Michaels to buy some more sticker-based hooks for the walls (we are in a rental). The "pearls" were from a stretchy bracelet Beadboy2 bought me for Mother's Day a few years ago that was too tight for my wrist. The dichroic glass dangle was an earring, the other lost long ago.

I also made a necklace with a dried floral pendant that had been floating around my jewelry box, inspired by similar ones in the latest Beadwork (I'm dying to make the necklace on the cover, too -- perfect for all the small amounts of seed beads I have):

Next up is a bracelet made from lovely teal seed beads I couldn't resist at Michaels when I went in for some headpins. Perhaps I should stop going to Michaels.