Tuesday, February 13, 2018

On to the Next Quilt

Now that Beadboy1's quilt is finally done, I can start in on Beadboy2's. Years ago I bought a Seminole quilting book thinking I might do that, but I think I would (again) be biting off more than I can chew. And then, last year, I discovered the Minecraft Quilt.

Beadboy2 is has been obsessed with Minecraft for years, and he enthusiastically supports this quilt (he also swears he will still be into Minecraft whenever the heck I finish it). So I bought the fabric bundle and started cutting and piecing. Just a couple of weeks later I already have seven squares!
Skeleton and Villager
Pig and Cow
Alex and Steve
This is progressing much faster than the star quilt (probably helps that I'm not dealing with a gazillion 4.5-inch squares).  Dare I jinx it, and predict that I might have the top done by the end of the year?