Sunday, December 18, 2016

Advent Calendar Day 18

Merry Christmas! Jo over at Serendipitous Stitches is running her annual Online Advent Calendar, and she asked me to participate today.

First up is some stitching.  With no big project to occupy my time this season (except painting my living room; such a good idea to do that two weeks before Christmas), I decided to focus on finishing up various designs I stitched over the last couple of years.

A Partridge in a Pear Tree, to add to my collection:

The Victoria Sampler's Gingerbread Garden and matching ornament:
Taken on a gloomy day, unfortunately

And Shepherd Bush's 2000 Years Ago series:
This is actually the second time I've stitched them.  Years ago I stitched the first seven and had them in a nice stack, awaiting the arrival of the eighth pattern, when they somehow ended up in a donation pile my husband gave to a charity.  I haven't quite forgiven him yet, but I do hope someone out there is enjoying them.

Jo also asked us to write about a special decoration we take out every year.  I think for me it is the Advent Calendar I made for my children, particularly since this year I finally figured out how to work it so it is liturgically accurate each year.
The pockets are attached with pins to the background, allowing me to rearrange them as necessary.  It's a fun annual tradition to teach my kids about the different symbols and feasts of the season, while giving them a little treat each day (if they start to complain about the quality of treats -- i.e. not enough chocolate -- I threaten to replace them with Bible verses).

I hope everyone has a joyous and peaceful holiday(s)!


  1. Thanks for taking part in the Advent Calendar Blog Hop this year. I love your stitching and do admire you for completing the SB pieces a second time!
    I really like your personal Advent Calendar and the way you adjust it every year.

  2. The SB pieces are gorgeous and looks so beautiful displayed as you have done.

  3. Such beautiful things you have stitched. I love them all but especially the Advent calendar!AriadnefromGreece!

  4. You have a fantastic collection of Christmas ornaments. So very pretty, and the SB ones are so special. I love your Advent calendar.

  5. What a beautiful collection. I stitched the Shepherd's Bush 2000 Years Ago as a baby gift for a friend's grandchild. I thought it was so pretty and was good for a new baby as well.

  6. You have beautiful work. I just had to have the Gingerbread Sampler, searched for it online and ordered it right away. Thank you for sharing

  7. Beautiful stitching! I especially like your advent calendar, the movable pockets are such a great idea!

  8. Beautiful ornaments and I love the Gingerbread Garden. A lovely and unique Advent calendar.

  9. I love all your finishes, but your Advent calendar is just precious.

  10. Thanks for the kind words, everyone!

  11. Beautiful stitching, like many others I really love your advent calendar especially. I can't believe your husband took your stitching to the charity shop - you did very well to forgive that!
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
