Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Red, White, and Blue

I'm not generally into flag motifs and patriotic doohickies, but this year I was inspired to make some earrings for the Fourth of July:

The earrings are based on these* by Happy Go Lucky, which I had booked marked a while ago to make in lots of fun colors. But as much as it pains me to admit, I have a TON of brightly colored earrings, and none at all that were red, white, and blue.

In keeping with my goal to use stuff from my stash only whenever possible, I made do with blue size 8 beads and red and white size 6 beads (poor quality ones, at that, dating from my years in college -- they varied wildly in size and shape).  I am curious to know what size jump rings Kara from Happy Go Lucky used; there was no way I could fit size 11 seed beads on my rings, and even some of the size 8 and 6 didn't work.

I originally tried it with same color beads on each ring, but that didn't look right once the earring was done:

Now I have something to wear! ... for one day a year.  And people wonder why I have a massive jewelry collection.


  1. Also Flag Day, election day, Bastille Day

    1. THIS election day? Perhaps instead I will wear the earrings while listening to "Hamilton."
