Thursday, December 31, 2015

Crafting for Others

Beadboy3 wasn't the only one to get a handmade gift.  Beadboy1 got Wizard of Oz-themed bag to tote he beloved muppets around:

He loves to sing "We're off to see the Wizard" whenever we go for a walk
I had a hard time finding a plain canvas bag big enough for his menagerie, so I ended up sacrificing one of my own grocery bags for him.  I still had some Wizard of Oz fabric, so I cut out the portraits, a favorite phrase, and the letters of his name.  I used fusible web to iron them on, and then top-stitched all around them for security.  I also added a long strap so he could sling it over his shoulder.

I also made him a Cookie Monster t-shirt:
The template all the pinterest pins led to disappeared, so I had to freehand the mouth, and I did a pretty good job if I say so myself.  I used craft felt for the mouth and eyes, again fused to the shirt and then top-stitched.

Beadboy2 also got a t-shirt, of a Minecraft Creeper (green is his favorite color):

And because he is a budding Star Wars nerd, I made him a light-plate for his room:
This was another idea from pinterest, and only required the light-plate we already had and a sharpie.  Instead of "Luke," however, I wrote "Anakin" -- Beadboy2's favorite character from the prequels.  It makes more sense, anyway, paired with "Vader."  The D is too small, but cleaning up another error I made resulted in a big purple smear, which required a great deal of scrubbing with a Magic Eraser, so the D stayed.

Finally, I picked up a big container of perler beads (let's here it for Michael's weekly 50% off coupons), and made some doohickeys:
Ezra Bridger, the Lightsaber, and the Minecraft diamond sword are for Beadboy2, Fozzie is for Beadboy1, and the snowflakes are for me.  Perler beads surprisingly fun and addictive, and the pixelated nature of the designs appeals to my geeky heart, so I'll be making more pointless things out of them.

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