Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Stitched Hearts for Grammy and Abuelita

Beadboy2 had been asking for a while to do more stitching, so I set up the hoop again with another piece of burlap and some purple yarn (his favorite color).  On his own, he decided to stitch the outline of a heart, and then I showed him how to fill it in with more stitches.  He then stitched another one in red, one for each grandmother:

He wanted to cut them out right away to mail them, but I explained they would fall apart without a backing.  I pinned the burlap to a piece of tan felt and machine-sewed around the hearts a couple of times to secure the fabric; a walking foot kept the coarse weave of the burlap from shifting under the needle.

The results:

I mailed them off to Grammy and Abuelita, along with paper valentines from Beadboy1.