Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Sarah over at Makin' Projiks has a post today about an idea she picked up from another -- butterfly shadowboxes using magazine images. I thought I'd share my version of this, with needlecrafted butterflies:
At my brother's suggestion, I even used pins to hold them in place, just like real butterfly shadowboxes except a lot less icky. It seemed a good way to display all the butterfly patterns I had collected over the years. And still collect -- I'm almost done with a second box.


  1. Hi Beadgirl

    Love your blog - you have really good ideas and describe them so well. Your butterflies are an inspiration to me to try something along the same lines in my medium (computerised machine embroidery)

    And thanks for the great book recommendation (The Book of Lost Books). I have really got to get that

    Keep up the good work!

    (from the Accidental Embroiderer)
