Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Chain Maille Funne

 I spent some time earlier this year sorting through old magazine patterns, and decided I had to make this chain maille ring by Daleann Stark:

That's an emerald crystal in there; I just could not get a good image of it.  

Steel rings made this ring affordable, and it was fun, albeit super fiddly, to put together.

That wasn't enough chain maille, though! 

These earrings, made with anodized aluminum rings, were a heck of a lot easier to make. 

I'd forgotten how tactile and slinky chain maille can be. I'd also forgotten that it takes a certain amount of practice and skill to close all the rings properly. Clearly, I need to make more!

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Daisy Chain

 In college, as a newish beader, I picked up a pamphlet with instructions to make different styles of daisy chain bracelets. I made a bunch, using size 11 beads and nymo thread, and wore them a lot, and eventually I stopped wearing them because the thread got loose and they felt fragile.

Last week I decided to remake them, with size 8 beads and fireline, for a sturdier and chunkier look.

Here are the old ones:

I have a mixed-media surface onto which I've been sewing beaded scraps, failed experiments, and false starts. I'll add these to that project.